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Kit for homeowners

Keystart's "Kit for Homeowners" outlines the important tasks and expenses to consider as a new home owner. Learn more.

Interior design on a budget

Get seven tips for styling your home on a budget from our guest interior designer.

Styling your home on a budget

Minimise your weekend workload - Waterwise your garden

Have you worked out a landscape or garden design for your home yet? Give serious consideration to using waterwise plants. Not only do they need less water, they usually require less maintenance and still provide a unique oasis in your front or back garden.

Tips to tackle your back - or front - yard

Break down your shire rates

Did you know there are over 150 councils or shires around WA? Each shire calculates rates differently – and slightly different facilities and services. Council rates cover your local area costs and services like park maintenance, rubbish collection and recycling, street lighting, community facilities and events.

To help ratepayers manage rate payments, most councils have instalment plans. Some councils are now offering a weekly or fortnightly payment plan. The City of Cockburn, for example, offer SmartRates with 26 or 43 smaller payments to smooth out the cost over the year. Contact your shire to see what payment plans are available to you.

How well do you know your shire?

Simplify your utility costs

In fact, most utilities (power, gas, telephone) allow you to pay via smaller monthly instalments, making your bills easier to manage and budget for. Contact your providers to see what they can offer.

More on bill smoothing

Protect your biggest asset

We have probably already asked you this – but is your home fully insured? We require all our customers to have building (also called home) insurance. This is for your protection. Your home is no doubt your biggest asset and you need to ensure you're covered for the unforeseeable.

One critical cost for homeowners

DIY action

All homes need maintenance – even brand new builds. Why not build up your skills and pick up the tools yourself! There are some jobs best left to the professionals, electricity and plumbing to name a couple, but painting and clearing your gutters might be best kept in-house.

Any leaking taps? Make sure you're not using more water than you should

One new bill if you haven’t been a home owner before is the Water Corporation’s water rates. Water rates are based on your access to water at your home. You will then be billed for the amount of water you actually use. Reduce your water usage to lessen the impact of this utility bill. A dripping tap can waste up to 10,000 litres of water a year!

Water Corp's tips for saving water